

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Gay Man Fights Hateful interaction with Preacher!!!

WOW!  really~!~!  Are we really still in this place of hatred and judging??  That is like soooo 20 years ago! Good for this man!!  He stood up to the negative, hateful and discriminative person, and gave him right what he deserved!!  not with name calling or being mean and hateful back...... but by stating simple facts and words of wisdom ;)  XOxo   Be the change you want to see folks!  For we are setting the mood and platform for our rising children!  XOxo

Gay Man Decides to Yell Back at Anti-Gay Subway Preacher, Train Applauds
Standard operating procedure for dealing with subway "preachers," whether bigoted or merely insane, is to pretend they don't exist. Don't argue; don't take their literature. It'll be over soon. Just ignore them until they move on to the next car and you can hear your podcast again.
That's not the approach one gay man took two days ago in response to a preacher's homophobic rant, which included gems like "Michael Jackson died because he was gay." Instead, he met the preacher shout-for-shout.
"I'm a man," the gay guy, identifiable in the video by his large fuzzy hat, replies at one point (1:33). "And I'm a good man. And I'm a gay man and Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me!" The train broke out into spontaneous applause.
Do you know who our gay subway hero is?

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